We are excited to announce a new way to recognize and celebrate the work of our faculty–the Chancellor’s Awards of Excellence. These Awards are replacing the Chancellor’s Annual Teaching Award to include not only a Educational Innovation Award but also one each for Faculty Mentorship, Clinical Innovation, Community and/or Institutional Service, and Scholarship (including laboratory research, educational research, clinical research, quality improvement, and/or interdisciplinary team science).
Faculty may nominate themselves or may be nominated by someone else. Nominees must be at least 50% FTE at UAMS. Nominators may be UAMS faculty, emeriti, students, or employees. An individual will be considered for only one of the Chancellor’s Awards in any given year. An individual who has previously received one of the Chancellor’s Awards is ineligible for that award for five years.
Award recipients will be UAMS faculty members who have displayed outstanding contributions in one or more of the following domains:
Educational Innovation — a sustained commitment to effective teaching and/or learning including formal and informal teaching, curriculum development, academic advising, supervising, precepting, or otherwise facilitating learning in undergraduate students (pipeline programs), pre-licensure students, graduate students, advanced trainees (residents, fellows, master’s degree, doctoral degree, etc.), staff, and faculty (professional development/continuing education).
Faculty Mentorship/Sponsorship/Coaching — a sustained commitment to effectively guide less experienced faculty in career success through mentoring, sponsorship, and/or coaching that comprises specific goals and measurable objectives.
Clinical Innovation — a sustained commitment to high quality and innovative patient care who have significantly advanced clinical practice. This may be accomplished through innovation in clinical practice design or management, or advocacy on the behalf patients that fosters change.
Community and/or Institutional Service — a sustained commitment to serving the community, including membership and active participation on UAMS or professional boards or committees, lectures in the community arising from one’s area of expertise, enhancing the UAMS “brand” and reputation in the community, state, nation, and/or provision of public health education to patients, families, and/or the community-at-large.
Scholarship — a sustained commitment to scholarship. Scholarship is defined using the Boyer Model and the Four Domains of Scholarship (see below). This would include but is not limited to: community-based research [application], clinical research [application], laboratory research [discovery], educational research [teaching], Quality Improvement projects [application], interdisciplinary team science [integration], etc.
2023 Recipients:
- Tiffany F. Haynes, Ph.D. – Educational Innovation
- Pearl A. McElfish, Ph.D., MBA – Scholarship
- Robert E. (Bobby) McGehee, Jr., Ph.D. – Faculty Mentorship/Coaching
- Kevin D. Phelan, Ph.D. – Community and/or Institutional Service
- Misty L. Virmani, M.D. – Clinical Innovations
2022 Recipients:
- Lawrence E. Greiten, M.D. — Educational Innovation
- Analiz Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D. — Clinical Innovation
- Joan Marie Cranmer, Ph.D. — Faculty Mentorship
- Clare Brown, Ph.D., MPH — Community or Institutional Service
- Wayne P. Wahls, Ph.D. — Scholarship
The nominator or applicant must:
1. Fill out an Chancellor’s Awards of Excellence Application Form (below);
2. Provide an attestation by their department chair or dean that they embody the UAMS code of conduct and are an exemplar of professionalism;
3. Provide a Curriculum Vitae (highlighted with areas that are pertinent to the award for which they are being considered), and
4. Provide one support letter (maximum of 2 pages) which addresses the candidate’s outstanding contributions in one or more of the areas noted above.
Application packets are due by Monday, September 16th at midnight.