Are you looking for a speaker on a particular topic? Browse the list of faculty speakers and their areas of expertise below.
Ambrogini, Elena | COM | Osteoporosis: Dx and Management |
Ambrogini, Elena | COM | Role of Oxidized Lipids in Bone Metabolism |
Ambrogini, Elena | COM | Hypercalcemia |
Ambrogini, Elena | COM | POCUS for Appendicitis |
Anders, Mike | AA | Interprofessional Simulation Debrief |
Anderson, Paula | COM | Decrease Harmful Gossip/Increase Positivity among Interdisciplinary Teams |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Intro to Point of Care Echo |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Management of Difficult and Failed Intubation |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Thoracic Ultrasound |
Arthur, Jason | COM | US-Guided Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks |
Arthur, Jason | COM | POCUS for Appedicitis |
Arthur, Jason | COM | US for Peritonsilar Abcess |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Management of Difficult ad Failed Intubation |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Preintubation Optimization |
Arthur, Jason | COM | The EFAST in Pediatric Trauma |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Ocular US in the Emergency Department |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Lung US for Kids |
Arthur, Jason | COM | Death of the CXR and the Rise of US |
Arthur, Jason | COM | US-guided Vascular Access |
Atiq, Omar | COM | The Health of U.S. Healthcare |
Atiq, Omar | COM | Alignment of Focus |
Azhar, Gohar | COM | Opioid Prevention for Aging and Longevity (O.P.A.L.) |
Barger, Steven | COM | Geriatrcs: Neurobiology & Developmental Sciences |
Barger, Steven | COM | Alzheimer Disease |
Barger, Steven | COM | Fundamental Biological Aspects of Aging |
Barger, Steven | COM | Basics of Neurobiology |
Barger, Steven | COM | Basics of Cell Biology |
Bauer, Michael | COM | Biomedical Informatics: Extracting Medical Knowledge from Data |
Bauer, Michael | COM | Differential Splicing in Multiple Myeloma |
Bauer, Michael | COM | Novel Long Non-Coding RNA in Multiple Myeloma |
Beck, Paige | COM | Chronic Kidney Disease for the Primary Care Physician |
Beck, Paige | COM | Osteoporosis for the Primary Care Physician |
Beck, Paige | COM | Falls in Older Adults |
Bellando, Jayne | COM | Psychology |
Bellando, Jayne | COM | Autism |
Bellando, Jayne | COM | Developmental Differential Diagnosis: Screening of DD/ASD |
Bellando, Jayne | COM | CoBALT |
Boone, Steve | AA | ELearning: Another IPE Tool? |
Bryant-Moore, Kenesia | COPH | Interdisciplinary Research for Community Outreach |
Burns, Robert | COM | The Dimension of Time in Biology and Medicine: Chronobiology, Chronopharmacology, and Chronochemotheraphy |
Burns, Robert | COM | The Body Clock and the Pitfalls associated with Biomedical Research if the Confounding Effects of Biological Rhytmicity are not Understood and Controlled for in Experimental Design and Data Interpretation |
Caballero, Alison | AA | Common Joint Dislocations and Reductions |
CarlLee, Tyler | COM | Knee Pain Workup for PCP |
CarlLee, Tyler | COM | Shoulder Pain Workup for PCP |
CarlLee, Tyler | COM | Common Joint Dislocations and Reductions |
CarlLee, Tyler | COM | Articular Cartilage Injury |
CarlLee, Tyler | COM | ACL Injuries |
CarlLee, Tyler | COM | Meniscus Injuries |
Chakraborty, Indranil | COM | Awake Craniotomy |
Chakraborty, Indranil | COM | Iatrogenic Cardiac Standstill for Giant Cerebral Aneurysm Repair |
Clemmons, Karina | COM | Evidence-Based Education |
Clingenpeel, Rachel | COM | Child Physical Abuse |
Clingenpeel, Rachel | COM | Abusive Head Trauma |
Clingenpeel, Rachel | COM | Child Neglect |
Clingenpeel, Rachel | COM | Child Sexual Abuse |
Clingenpeel, Rachel | COM | Child Torture |
Clingenpeel, Rachel | COM | Medical Child Abuse |
Clingenpeel, Rachel | COM | Child Abuse in Court |
Corley, Jane; Harden, Amanda | ICE | Breaking the Communication Barriers |
Davies, David | COM | Climate Health and the Impact on Human Health |
Dayer, Lindsey | AA | Emotional Intelligence |
Dayer, Lindsey | AA | Medical Adherence Apps |
Delgado-Calle, Jesus | COM | Biological Aspects of Multiple Myeloma Disease |
Delgado-Calle, Jesus | COM | The Bone Microenvironment in Metastatic Cancer |
Delgado-Calle, Jesus | COM | Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Skeleton |
Delgado-Calle, Jesus | COM | New Therapeutic Approaches to Combat Metastatic Bone Disease. |
DelNero, Peter | COM | State Cancer Facts and Figures |
DelNero, Peter | COM | Engaging the Cancer Community across the Translational Science Continuum |
DelNero, Peter | COM | Cancer Control: Alignment of Science with Catchment Area Priorities |
Dickenson, Karen | COM | Interprofessional Simulation Education: Rationale and Current Evidence |
Dickenson, Karen | COM | Professionalism in the Classroom Setting |
Dickenson, Karen | COM | Virtual Learner Engagement – Challenges and Strategies |
Drobena, Gina | COM | Culinary Medicine: An Ideal Interprofessional Opportunity |
Drobena, Gina | COM | Culinary Medicine Part II |
Eble, Brain | COM | Cyanotic Heart Disease |
Eble, Brain | COM | Heart Murmurs |
Eble, Brain | COM | Exercise Physiology |
Eble, Brain | COM | Pediatric ECGs |
Eble, Brain | COM | Sudden Death in Adolescents |
Eble, Brain | COM | Pediatric Cardiac Emergencies |
Fullen, Chrystal | COM | Cognitive Rehabilitation: the Neuropsychology of Traumatic Brain Injury |
Gokden, Murat | COM | Molecular Diagnosis of Pediatric Brain Tumors |
Gokden, Murat | COM | Molecular Diagnosis of Adult Brain Tumors |
Gokden, Murat | COM | 2021 WHO Classification of CNS Tumors |
Gokden, Murat | COM | Lifestyle Factors in Neurological Diseases |
Goree, Jonathan | COM | Interprofessional Teams and Pain Management |
Goree, Jonathan | COM | Piloting an Inter-professional, Telemedicine Clinic for the Treatment of Chronic Pain: AR-IMPACT (Arkansas Improving Multidisciplinary Pain Care and Treatment) |
Greiten, Lawrence | COM | Adult CHD Surgery |
Greiten, Lawrence | COM | Ecmo/Mechanical Support |
Greiten, Lawrence | COM | Single Ventricle palliation |
Greiten, Lawrence | COM | Valve Repair/Replacement |
Greiten, Lawrence | COM | Surgical Techniques and Biomaterials |
Greiten, Lawrence | COM | Double Outle Right Ventricle |
Griffin, Robert J | COM | Radiation Therapy (Protons or Photons) for Cancer and the Biological Mechanisms of Action |
Griffin, Robert J | COM | Space Travel Biology |
Griffin, Robert J | COM | Nanotechnology |
Griffin, Robert J | COM | Technology Transfer of UAMS Inventions to the Community/Industry |
Hadden, Kristie | AA | Strategy / Strategic Planning / Vision-building, |
Hagemeier, Mark | Social Media Issues and the Law (Tweet Others as You Wish To Be Tweeted) | |
Hagemeier, Mark | Legal Malpractice Case (Anatomy of a Lawsuit). | |
Hall, Richard “Whit” | COM | Gun Violence Prevention |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | End-of-Life Care |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Ethics and EOL – Decision-making, Surrogate Decision-making, Physician-Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Palliative Care |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Cancer Pain Management |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Opioid Prescribing |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Opioid Safety |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Symptom Management – Nausea/Vomiting, Constipation, Dyspnea |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Physician Self-Care/ Compassion Fatigue |
Harrington, Sarah Beth | COM | Communication: Basics, Breaking Bad News, Angry Patient, Responding to Emotion |
Hayes, Corey | COM | Piloting an Inter-professional, Telemedicine Clinic for the Treatment of Chronic Pain: AR-IMPACT (Arkansas Improving Multidisciplinary Pain Care and Treatment) |
Hester, Micah | COM | Interprofessional Ethics |
Hester, Micah | COM | Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Settings |
Holland, Angel | CHP | Team Communication Across Generations |
Holland, Angel | CHP | Providing Effective Feedback |
Holland, Angel | CHP | Active Learning Strategies |
Holland, Angel | CHP | Learning Communities in the Educational Setting |
Holland, Angel | CHP | Geriatric-Related Topics |
Howell, Tiffany | COM | Basics of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management |
Huitt, Tiffany | CHP | Virtual Learner Engagement – Challenges and Strategies |
Jarrett, Diane | COM | Professionalism in the Classroom Setting |
Jefferson, John | CHP | Myofascial Anatomy |
Jefferson, John | CHP | Non-Medical RX of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain |
Jennifer Avery | External | Patients with Intellectual Disabilities |
Landes, Reid | COM | How Study Designs Impact Biostatistical Power |
Landes, Reid | COM | What You Need to Know About Power Calculations |
Landes, Reid | COM | 7 Traits of Tidy Data: Making a Useful Sharable Data Set |
Landes, Reid | COM | Presenting Clear, Concise Statistical Information |
Landes, Reid | COM | Statistical Considerations in Grant Proposals |
Landes, Reid | COM | Fundamental of Sample Size and Power, with Application to Animal Experiments |
Lipschitz, Riley | COM | Maximizing Empathy: Caring for Vulnerable Patients |
Lipschitz, Riley | COM | Place Matters—Geography and the Social Determinants of Health |
Long, Nicholas | COM | Interprofessional Approach to Parenting Skills in Primary Care |
Maraka, Spyridoula | COM | Thyroid Emergencies |
Maraka, Spyridoula | COM | Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy |
Maraka, Spyridoula | COM | Controversies in Hypothyroidism |
Marconi, Nadia | CHP | Joint Health and Prevention of Joint Degeneration |
Masangkay, Neil | COM | Stuff No One Tells You: An Insiders Guide to Career Development |
Maxson, Todd | COM | Resilience: When We are the Patient |
Maxson, Todd | COM | Program Building |
Maxson, Todd | COM | Trauma Systems |
Maxson, Todd | COM | Being Involved in National Organizations |
Maxson, Todd | COM | Clinical Pediatric Trauma |
Maxson, Todd | COM | Pediatric Surgery |
Mayo, Russell | COM | Hospice/Palliative Care Medicine topics |
McMillan, Ashley | CHP | IPE and Oral Health |
McMillan, Ashley | CHP | Primary Care and Oral Health: Can I Bill for That? |
McVay, Marcene | COM | Peds Surgery: Overview for Ped/PCP |
McVay, Marcene | COM | Chest Wall Disorders: Dx & Management |
McVay, Marcene | COM | Pediatric Appendicitis: Dx & Management |
Mejita-Otero, Juan | COM | Management of Adrenal Insufficiency in Acute and Input Settings |
Mendiratta, Priya | COM | Falls in Older Adults in Outpatient and Long-Term Care Settings |
Mendiratta, Priya | COM | Isolation in Older Adults |
Menindiratta, Priya | COM | Interdisciplinary Care of the Dying Person |
Mohney, Lindsay | COM | Traumatic Brain Injuries |
Mohney, Lindsay | COM | Rehabilitation Levels of Care |
Mohney, Lindsay | COM | Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Disorders of Consciousness |
Mohney, Lindsay | COM | Spasticity |
Mohney, Lindsay | COM | Rehabilitation levels of Care |
Moore, Ramey | COM | Social Determinants of Health |
Moore, Ramey | COM | Qualitative Approaches to Health/Healthcare |
Moore, Ramey | COM | Medical Anthropology |
Morgan, Sophie | COM | Patient Experience |
Morgan, Sophie | COM | Patient & Family Engagement |
Morgan, Sophie | COM | Communication |
Morrell, Sean | COM | Common hand & Wrist tendinopathies and Artyhtritic Processes |
Morrell, Sean | COM | Carotid Artery Disease |
Morrell, Sean | COM | Common Hand and Wrist Trauma |
Morrell, Sean | COM | Common Neuropathies in the Hand |
Morrell, Sean | COM | Introduction to Pediatric Hand Surgery |
Morrell, Sean | COM | Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Hand and Wrist |
Moursi, Mohammed | COM | Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms |
Moursi, Mohammed | COM | Carotid Artery disease |
Moursi, Mohammed | COM | Skin Injuries Suspicious of Physical Abuse |
Moursi, Mohammed | COM | Mesenteric Ischemia |
Murray, Liza | COM | Bias in the Evaluation of Abuse |
Murray, Liza | COM | Interprofessional Approach to Culinary Medicine |
Murray, Liza | COM | Recognition and Evaluation of Physical Abuse |
Murray, Liza | COM | Overview of Child Maltreatment: Recognition and Response |
Oliveto, Allison | COM | Medical marijuana: Pharmacology, Policy, Clinical Practice & Impacts |
Orcutt, Jeffrey | COM | Cardiac Arrests in Athletes |
Orcutt, Jeffrey | COM | Sudden Death in Children and Adolescents |
Orcutt, Jeffrey | COM | Pre-Participation Screening of Young Athletes |
Orcutt, Jeffrey | COM | Cardiac Screening of Children and Adolescents |
Orcutt, Jeffrey | COM | Pacemakers, ICDs and Other Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices in Children |
Orcutt, Jeffrey | COM | Procedures for Arrhythmias in Children |
Palys, Viktoras | COM | Spine Trauma |
Palys, Viktoras | COM | Traumatic Brain Injury |
Palys, Viktoras | COM | Epilepsy Surgery |
Palys, Viktoras | COM | Hydrocephalus |
Pauly, Margaret | AA | The Severity of Alzheimer’s Disease |
Pettway, Isis | COM | Mental Illness and the Workplace |
Ping-Ching, Hsu | COPH | Precision Environmental Health to Tackle High Early-Onset Breast Cancer in Arkansas Rural Community Health Study (ARCH) |
Pinto Miranda, Veronica | COM | Prognostication in Dementia |
Pinto Miranda, Veronica | COM | Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis |
Porter, Austin | COP | Professionalism in the Classroom Setting |
Prior, Fred | COM | Imaging Informatics |
Prior, Fred | COM | AI in Cancer Imaging |
Prior, Fred | COM | Radiomics |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Pediatric Fractures |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Hip Dysplasia |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Perthes Disease |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Scoliosis |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Cerebral Palsy |
Rabenhorst, Brien | COM | Clubbed Foot |
Reis, Robert | COM | Neurodegenerative Disease Driven by Protein Clumping: Drug Discovery to Oppose Aggregation: Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons |
Reis, Robert | COM | Genetic Foundations of Longevity: How to Live Long and Prosper |
Riklon, Sheldon | CHP | How to be Culturally Sensitive in Providing Clinical Care to Marshallese Patients |
Rothfeldt, Laura | ADH | Endemic and Emerging Tickborne Disease (ADH) |
Schaffner, Joe | COM | Digital Health 101 for All Professionals |
Schmit, Troy | ICE | ICPC Impact on Patient Safety & Quality of Care |
Scott, Angie | COM | Medical Humanities in Healthcare |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Hernias |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Performance Coaching |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Performance Productivity |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Clinical Informatics: Decision Support |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Clinical Informatics: Behavioral Informatics |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Clinical Informatics: System Design |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Technology Transfer: What does Bioventrues do/ |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Technology Transfer: Intellectual Prop[erty Management |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Technology Transfer: Technology Commercialization |
Sexton, Kevin | COM | Technology Transfer: Entrepreneurship |
Shah, Jarna | COM | Chronic Back Pain |
Shah, Jarna | COM | Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Pain |
Shah, Jarna | COM | Nutrition and Pain |
Shah, Jarna | COM | Pain During Pregnancy |
Shah, Jarna | COM | Interventional Pain Procedures for Chronic Pain |
Shah, Jarna | COM | Pain in the Geriatric Population |
Singh, Manisha | COM | Chronic Kidney Disease |
Singh, Manisha | COM | Glomerular Disease |
Singh, Manisha | COM | Ethics: Surrogate Decision Making |
Singh, Manisha | COM | Medical Education |
Sisterhen, Laura | COM | Pediatric Primary Care |
Sisterhen, Laura | COM | Quality Improvement |
Sisterhen, Laura | COM | Culinary Medicine |
Sisterhen, Laura | COM | Communication Skills |
Smith, Gregory | COM | Neuromodulation for Chronic Pain |
Smith, Gregory | COM | Vertebral Augmentation for Compression Fractures |
Smith, Gregory | COM | Current Landscape in the Fight Against the Opioid Epidemic |
Spollen, John | COM | Psychedelic Treatments in Psychiatry: Ketamine, MDMA, Psilocybin & Beyond |
Steele, James | COM | Bipolar Disorder for the Non-Psychiatrist |
Steelman, Susan | AA | How to Work Effectively with UAMS Library Faculty |
Steelman, Susan | AA | NIH Data Sharing and Data Management Plans |
Steelman, Susan | AA | NIH and Federal Public Access Policies Compliance |
Steelman, Susan | AA | Best Practices in Publishing |
Steelman, Susan | AA | PubMed, CINAHL, RefWroks, Write-N-Cite, Journal Citation Reports and Alternatives, NIH PAP Compliance, Avoiding Predatory Publishers and Choosing the Best Journal for Your Work, Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice and Related Resources |
Stewart, Kate | COPH | Interprofessional Approach to Health Equity and Healthcare Equity for the LGBTQI Community |
Thapa, Puru | COM | Recognizing and Helping Faculty in Distress |
Thompson, Tonya | COM | Peds Emergency Medicine and Simulation in Health Care |
Thornton, Melanie | Inclusivity in Managing Video Conference Barriers | |
Toney, Tomeka | ICE | De-Escalation of Hostile/Violent Patients |
Ussery, David | COM | High-Throughput Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes in Arkansas |
Ussery, David | COM | Bacterial Genomics |
Ussery, David | COM | Using Third-Generation Sequencing for Clinical Diagnostics of Pathogens |
Van Rhee, Frits | COM | Myeloma |
Van Rhee, Frits | COM | Castleman’s Disease |
Veerapandiyan, Aravindhan | COM | |
Venkata, Anand | COM | COPD: Dx and Management |
Venkata, Anand | COM | Vaping and Tobacco Use in Arkansas |
Venkata, Anand | COM | Pulmonary Hypertension |
Venkata, Anand | COM | Pulmonary Rehab |
Ventres, William | COM | Caring of a Patinet: An Emotional Tissue Auto-Biopsy |
Ventres, William | COM | Toward a Pedagogy of Dying: edicting Pts about Life and End of Life |
Ventres, William | COM | PRESS: Framing Medically Unexplained Symptoms for Real Patients |
Ventres, William | COM | Short-term Global Health Immersions: Ethics, Goals and Critical Questions |
Ventres, William | COM | Lead by Example: A Prescription for Global Health |
Virmani, Tuhin | COM | Update on Parkinson’s Disease |
Virmani, Tuhin | COM | Atypical Parkinsonism |
Virmani, Tuhin | COM | Essential Tremor |
Virmani, Tuhin | COM | Dystonia |
Virmani, Tuhin | COM | Huntington’s Disease |
Virmani, Tuhin | COM | Functional Movement Disorders |
Vuk, Jasna | AA | When a Student Struggles: Understanding Causes and Implementing Strategies for Improvement |
Vuk, Jasna | AA | The Role of Motivation and Emotions on the Academic Performance of Students |
Wakefield, Chelsea | Speaking of Sex: How to Address Sexual Issues Related to a Medical Diagnosis | |
Wakefield, Chelsea | The Medical Marriage: Maintaining an Intimate Relationship Amidst a Demanding Career. | |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Facilitation Skills |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | How to Develop a Positive Workplace Culture |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Managing Conflict on Your Team |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Interprofessional Clinical Teams |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Leadership and Management Skill Development |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Evidence-Based Clinical Handoffs |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | How to Run an Interprofessional Clinical Meeting |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | 25 Evidence-Based Ways 10 Minutes Can Change Your Life: Practical Tips to Promote Wellness |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Best Practices When Working from Home |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Time Management |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | Interprofessional Rounds |
Ward, Wendy | COM/AA | In-Room Electronic Health Record Documentation: How to Minimize Impact on Patient Care Outcomes and Experience |
Waters, Cat | ADH | Communicable Diseases; Rules and Regulations for Reporting |
Wendelboe, Aaron | COPH | COVID-19 (Many Topics Including Transmission Models) |
Wendelboe, Aaron | COPH | Influenza |
Wendelboe, Aaron | COPH | RSV |
Wendelboe, Aaron | COPH | Cyclosporiasis |
Wendelboe, Aaron | COPH | Vaccines |
Wendelboe, Aaron | COPH | Ebola |
Wendelboe, Aaron | COPH | TB |
Weinstein, Susan | ADH | One Health |
Whitaker, Brandi | COM | Integrated Behavioral Health |
Whited, Teresa | CON | Professionalism in the Classroom Setting |
Whited, Teresa | CON | Virtual Learner Engagement – Challenges and Strategies |
Williams, Edward | CHP | The PA Profession: Then and Now |
Williams, Edward | CHP | The PA in Preventative Healthcare |
Williams, Heather | COM | Evaluation of Post-Menopausal Bleeding |
Williams, Heather | COM | Treatment of Gyn Malignancies |
Williams, Heather | COM | Cervical Dysplasia to Cancer: Evaluation and Management |
Willis, Don | COM | Medical Sociology |
Willis, Don | COM | Health Disparities |
Willis, Don | COM | Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) |
Wite, Alexis | COM | Menopause: HRT and What’s New for Symptom Treatment (if HRT is not an option) |
Wite, Alexis | COM | Vulvovaginitis: Not All Itching is Yeast |
Wood, Mara | COM | Learning Disorders |
Wood, Mara | COM | Neuropsychology 101 |
Wood, Mara | COM | How to Read Neuropsychology Reports |
Wood, Mara | COM | Role of Neuropsychology in Pediatric Oncology |
Wood, Mara | COM | Neurodevelopment |
Wood, Mara | COM | Special Education |
Wyrick, Theresa | COM | Making a Real Impact on Stress and Burnout in the Clinic Setting |
Yeager, Richard | COM | Management of Thermal Injuries |