Promotion & Tenure Requests
Completed packets for promotion and/or tenure requests are due by Monday, September 15, 2025 by 4:00 p.m. This is a firm deadline for your electronic packet submission and the electronic system can be found at
Contact Katie Poe @ in the Faculty Center Office if you have any questions regarding the P&T process or would like to see example packets.
2025 Promotion & Tenure Forum
The forum will be held Tuesday, April 8th from noon – 1 p.m. via Zoom.
Register for the 2025 COM P&T ForumP & T Database Training
Promotion & Tenure packets are assembled electronically via UAMS’ internal P&T database. Learn how to build a successful e-P&T packet. This training is recommended for faculty members going up for promotion and/or tenure.
Sign Up for Training TodayPromotion & Tenure Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for faculty development to all college of medicine faculty members, including department chairs, by defining the criteria for promotion at a given rank and for granting tenure.
Download the P&T GuidelinesCOM P & T Committee
Get to know your promotion and tenure committee members. Also gain insight on how the committee members are chosen and conduct the operations of the committee.
Get to know the CommitteeHelpful P&T Links and Documents
Browse through helpful promotion and tenure links, as well as academic pathway specific worksheets to help understand the criteria required for academic for faculty appointments.
Browse the available P&T resourcesCovid-19 Tenure Extensions
Given the extraordinary challenges that the ongoing Covid-19 emergency has created for research and teaching activities, President Bobbitt has approved two, one-year extensions of the probationary period for every pre-tenured faculty member who is in the first 5 years of their probationary period. This extension incorporates, and does not add to, any extensions that have already been applied for under Board of Trustees Policy 405.1.IV.A.4 during the current academic year.
Any additional extensions for currently serving, pre-tenured faculty will be considered rare and will be considered on a case by case basis.
This action is subject to all other provisions of Board Policy 405.1 and other applicable University policies.
Please note the two-year tenure extension applies to faculty members already employed and on a tenure track at the time of the announcement (March 30, 2020) and a one-year extension applies to new faculty members already employed and on a tenure track at the time of announcement (March 30, 2021).