The University of Arkansas for Medical Science offers approved privileges such as maintaining a UAMS email address, receiving an ID badge, providing a designated library space and free parking to the Emeritus faculty of UAMS.
Emeritus faculty will be allowed to keep their UAMS email address.
ID Badge
Emeritus faculty are eligible for a UAMS id badge upon approval for Emeritus status. Emeritus can pick up a new id badge from the UAMS Creative Service Office located in the central building, 3rd floor, room 3D/29.
Library Space
Emeritus faculty were assigned a designated space in the library that is accessible during library business hours.
Emeritus faculty are provided free parking with the use of an UAMS issued id badge. Emeritus faculty can used any of the designated visitors parking lots around campus.
For issues with email, id badge, and parking please contact the Center for Faculty Excellence at 501-686-7404.