Prospective Faculty
Thank you for your interest in the UAMS. The School’s mission is to prepare recognized leaders who excel as clinicians, researchers, and educators in Arkansas, nationally, and internationally. Our focus is on creating a positive, supportive work environment in which faculty can excel. Here are some of our most popular programs—as well as resources and benefits offered to all UAMS employees.
Consider UAMSAdjunct/Volunteer Faculty
Adjunct Faculty members are individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to UAMS. These individuals may have academic appointments in other institutions or may practice their professions in the community.
Volunteer with UAMSEarly Career Faculty
Welcome! We are delighted that you have chosen to join the UAMS faculty and become part of our highly collegial and accomplished group of academic professionals. Explore our useful compendium of “survival” advice on a variety of subjects: networking, welcome meetings, detailed advice on grant-writing, student advising, professional service, and publishing.
BrowseMid-Career Faculty
Want to engage with faculty colleagues and learn something new? Wat to learn about the policies guiding annual reviews for tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, and faculty appointed on non-tenure pathways? Seeking mentoring opportunities available at UAMS?
Invest in Your CareerLate Career Faculty
Looking for become a mentor? Planning for retirement? Senior faculty have several opportunities and resources available to support their career.
Explore OpportunitiesEmeritus Faculty Group
The Emeritus represent over 100 retired University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences faculty members living in Little Rock and throughout the country. Emeritus represent retiree interests in many ways.
Discover UAMS EmeritusRetiring / Departing
Your retirement represents so many things to you and to University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. We want your retirement experience to be a positive one, but you are an important component of your retirement process. We need your help to make it work.
Assess UAMS Retirement Resources