Application packets are due by 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 28, 2025.
The UAMS Academic Affairs Faculty of the Year Award was established in 2022 to recognize excellence in Academic Affairs. Given that this is a diverse field and the faculty serve the institution in diverse ways, the criteria involve a spectrum of activities.
Evaluation Criteria: UAMS faculty member with an appointment in Academic Affairs who has displayed outstanding contributions in one or more of the following:
- Educational Innovation
- Collaborative Leadership
- Advocacy
- Teaching/Learning Scholarship
- Clinical Innovation
- Quality and/or Performance Improvement (implementation of tools and processes to improve outcomes)
- Faculty, Staff or Trainee Recognition
- Exemplary Performance (on recognized outcome measures in their field or department)
Faculty may apply or may be nominated by another faculty member. Nominees must be at least 50% FTE as Academic Affairs faculty. Nominators must be UAMS Academic Affairs faculty, emeriti, students, or employees. An individual who has previously received this award is ineligible for a period of three years.
Award Process
The Academic Affairs Promotion Committee will serve as the Award Review Committee. The Committee will select no more than three finalists and vote on a ranking of those finalists to be provided to the Provost. The Provost will consider the application materials and the ranking recommendations and will make the final selection of the award recipient. During the Spring Academic Affairs meeting, the recipient will be recognized.
Nominations and Applications
Faculty may apply or may be nominated by another faculty member. Nominees and nominators must be Academic Affairs faculty members, emeriti, students, or employees of UAMS. The nominator or applicant must fill out an Academic Affairs Award Application Form (which will be available when the application period begins), provide a Curriculum Vitae, and provide one support letter (maximum of two pages) which addresses the candidate’s outstanding contributions in one or more of the areas noted above. The letter should be written by someone thoroughly familiar with this person’s contributions. Additional letters will not be reviewed. Additional supporting documentation may be included if it is directly supporting the determination of excellence (reviews, ratings, publications, other awards or honors, links to online materials and other evidence to support the accomplishments noted in the application, etc.). Supporting documentation should be as concise as possible.
Application packets are due by 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 28, 2025.
Application packets were due Friday, Feb. 28,2025 by 5 p.m.