To register and log in to access the group subscription:
- Go to
Enter information in the required fields to submit.
Note: If you get an error that your password does not match, skip down to the existing users section below. - Once successfully registered, you will see a “Thank you for completing your registration” message.
- Go to
- On the right side of the page, in the “Username or email address” box, enter the email address that you submitted in Step 1.
- Enter your password to login
- On the My Account page click ‘Join Team’.
- On the My Online Access page click the appropriate orange “Go to…” box for access.
For Magna Commons subscribers: You will be taken to the dashboard for the institutional subscription. Scroll to search or locate the materials you wish to access or view.
If you get an error when using Create Account:
- Go to
- Enter your email address to reset password
- Once the password has been reset, go to the URL in Step 3 above to complete the registration process and log in.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with your account, please contact our Customer Service staff at